Second Hand Mannequins

There are many different mannequins available in second hand condition, from full body, through to heads, shoulders, torso, and many more! These mannequins are perfect for shop use and designers to use when designing or displaying clothing. You can find these at great prices compared to the cost they would be new, with many ex shop ones available for you to use.


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Vintage, Hot Pink, Mannequin, Torso, Plastic, Sturdy.

Vintage, Hot Pink, Mannequin, Torso, Plastic, Sturdy.


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£13.89 delivery

Vintage Half Body Female Mannequin

Vintage Half Body Female Mannequin


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Collection only (Leamington Spa)

Female Kneeling Mannequin Women Knelt Down 120cm Adjustable Torso Arms Hands GC

Female Kneeling Mannequin Women Knelt Down 120cm Adjustable Torso Arms Hands GC


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Collection only (Preston)

Female Articulated Mannequin

Female Articulated Mannequin


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Collection only (Middlesbrough)

Vintage Male Mannequin Torso Shop Display Halloween Boho Retro Grunge

Vintage Male Mannequin Torso Shop Display Halloween Boho Retro Grunge


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£6.41 delivery

Mannequin Torso With Stands / Shop Display / Art Project

Mannequin Torso With Stands / Shop Display / Art Project


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Collection only (Borehamwood)

Search through the many mannequins available in male, female or children’s body shapes. They are available in many different types, perfect for displaying hair, dresses, fashion and any other types of clothes!

You can buy specific types of mannequins perfect for business use and hobbyists such as dressmakers and sewing use, as well as the usual shop display ones. There are also many adjustable versions and wooden mannequins if required!