Second Hand Lathes

Find a top of the range lathe in second hand condition, helping you to save money on your next machine. We showcase loads of different machines and models from over the years, allowing you to find the exact lathe you need for your metal work. They are available from different sellers and business up and down the UK!

MiniWood Turning

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Cowells 90 Norwich Lathe

Cowells 90 Norwich Lathe


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Unimat Lathe Complete With Milling Attachment

Unimat Lathe Complete With Milling Attachment


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Record ML-210 Lathe

Record ML-210 Lathe


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£12.00 delivery

Boxford Lathe

Boxford Lathe


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Colchester Bantam Lathe

Colchester Bantam Lathe


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Collection only (Ripley)

Smart and Brown Model M Mk2. Lovinging Refurbished, Lovely Machine. 240v

Smart and Brown Model M Mk2. Lovinging Refurbished, Lovely Machine. 240v


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Collection only (Corwen)