Second Hand Hornby Trains
Find all the Hornby trains and carriages you may need in second hand condition, for adding to your current Hornby trains set and track layout. Available as engines, through to full trains including wagons and carriages, these great trains come in all styles and models depending on what you are looking for. Find some bargains from model train enthusiasts around the UK!
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OO Gauge Hornby R2688 Class A4 4498 Sir Nigel Gresley LNER Blue Loco Limited Ed | £189.95 Free delivery |
Hornby R3242A - BR (Early) 2-6-0 Class K1 '62032' still in original wrappers | £105.00 or make offer £3.39 delivery |
Hornby R3355 Sentinel 4wDH H103 in Wabtec livery - Lovely Runner - DCC Ready | £78.00 or make offer £3.39 delivery |
Hornby Joblot || OO Gauge || Wagons, Carriages, Signals And Other Accessories | £120.22 or make offer £8.50 delivery |
Hornby Railways R868 M7 Southern railway Green 0-4-4 locomotive boxed | £49.00 £4.95 delivery |
OO Gauge Hornby R2782XS DCC SOUND 46249 City Of Sheffield Duchess Class 8P Loco | £189.99 Free delivery |