Second Hand Heljan Trains
There are so many different Heljan trains to pick from in second hand condition. These trains are available to pick out from sellers all over the country, with different models and types depending on the set and layout you have. They are in differing conditions, from highly used through to as new condition, depending on budget.
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HELJAN 5210 CLASS 52 D1036 WESTERN EMPEROR DIESEL LOCO.BR GREEN BOXED SERVICED | £95.00 or make offer £5.99 delivery |
HELJAN 15051 D8202 BR Green Small Yellow Panels Limited Edition OO Gauge Loco | £200.00 or make offer Free delivery |
Heljan OO Gauge Diesel Locomotive EWS Class 58 047 DCC Fitted | £89.99 or make offer £4.00 delivery |
Heljan 40111 English Electric DP2 Prototype BR Green Limited Edition # UNTESTED | £165.00 or make offer £9.95 delivery |
Heljan 4698 Class 47/7 47787 "Windsor Castle" in EWS livery (Ltd Ed) - Boxed | £115.00 or make offer Free delivery |
Heljan D6548 Class 33 BR Green Loco - O Gauge - Boxed - good runner - driver | £299.99 £18.55 delivery |